[Brown Note Booking] Santacrue (es) ~ Gavran(nl)
Date(s) - vr 6 december
20:30 - 23:55
De Onderbroek

We zijn dol op Spaans bezoek tijdens de 1e dagen van december.
Een heerlijk post’ig avondje dus met uit Spanje/Catalonia Santacreu!
Een heerlijk post’ig avondje dus met uit Spanje/Catalonia Santacreu!
De support wordt verzorgd door her Rotterdamse Gavran.
PhosPhor verzorgd een psychedelisch behang
en DJ Coconaut een muzikaal behang.
Entree: gift vanaf €5,- meer mag want daarmee spekken jullie de band. Cash only
Aan de bar mogelijkheid tot pinnen (niet om cash op te nemen).
Aan de bar mogelijkheid tot pinnen (niet om cash op te nemen).
A strange and addictive attraction.
Santacreu delight us with post sounds using the Catalan language as an expression through Eugeni’s melancholic voice. Intense songs full of feeling, personal introspection and attachment.
A strange and addictive attraction.
Santacreu delight us with post sounds using the Catalan language as an expression through Eugeni’s melancholic voice. Intense songs full of feeling, personal introspection and attachment.
The purpose of Gavran is to give meaning to our past, present and future. It gives us a way to release our doubts, despair and anger and search for the light at the end of the countless tunnels in our minds. It is a journey we still endeavour and probably will until our end of days. With Gavran we found a way to cope and unravel. It gave us a means to pursue true understanding. less
The purpose of Gavran is to give meaning to our past, present and future. It gives us a way to release our doubts, despair and anger and search for the light at the end of the countless tunnels in our minds. It is a journey we still endeavour and probably will until our end of days. With Gavran we found a way to cope and unravel. It gave us a means to pursue true understanding. less