Dagcafé: conversation with artist Jiro Ghianni (English)

Dagcafé: conversation with artist Jiro Ghianni (English)

Date(s) - za 13 oktober

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What is queer (art) and which painful ideas exist about this in our society?
What does it mean when funds and cultural institutions are working on inclusivity?
Why does it often seem that “diversity” merely functions as check-box for
a good image and not a dedication to the (uncomfortable) acknowledgement of oppressive power structures, respectful encounters and radical justice? Artist Jiro Ghianni and artistic researcher Luca Soudant will have a conversation about institutionalised censorship of expressions that are related to queerness or queer being/lives. Also, they will go deeper into Ghianni’s work, his artistic process and how the exhibited work during Qtopia came into being.