Hexis, Lifesick, Black Decades & Witches Brew

Date(s) - vr 24 augustus
20:00 - 23:30
De Onderbroek
Hexis is one of the hardest touring bands, they played here before in 2012 and blew everything away with their dark mix of crust, black metal and very loud hardcore. Joining them on tour is Lifesick, very angry hardcore punks from Denmark. Finally Black Decades from Utrecht is visiting us again. These folks make crust with a lot of metal vibes, with members of Cathode and Terzij de horde. Our own local power violence duo Witches Brew will star this already legendary nigt with blast beast, blast beats and blast beast and blast beats and blast beast blast beast, blast beats and blast beast and blast beats and blast beastblast beast, blast beats and blast beast and blast beats and blast beastblast beast, blast beats and blast beast and blast beats and blast beastblast beast, blast beats and blast beast and blast beats and blast beastblast beast, blast beats and blast beast and blast beats and blast beastblast beast, blast beats and blast beast and blast beats and blast beastblast beast, blast beats and blast beast and blast beats and blast beast