onderSTROOM – Chaos in NMGN V5.0 vs Minicave vs Manifest live Katz Kab celebrating 15 years onderSTROOM

Date(s) - vr 8 juli - za 9 juli
22:00 - 05:00
De Onderbroek
LIVE ON STAGE : Katz Kab (luister op Bandcamp)
Guests on the wheels of steel: Minicave and Manifest
Entree: 5 euro Start: 22:00
onderSTROOM is Holland’s longest (in our 16th season as of tonight) still on a regular base running oldschool goth/postpunk party dedicated to the originators and their present day following. We serve postpunk, batcave, death-rock, X-wave and gothrock, spiced up with punk, glam and appropriate contemporary alternative sidesteps. We play both the classics and the overlooked and underplayed gems of the ever expanding big black ghoul pool!
Every once a while the onderSTROOM dancenight will feature a live performance. Promising new acts have been brought to the stage, as well as bands who already earned their credits. In the past the likes of The Essence, The Other, Distel, Götterdämmerung, Bloody dead & Sexy, New days Delay, Zwarte Poëzie, Sleeping Children, Cadra Ash, All Gone Dead, Joy Disaster, Leisure Hive, Urban Grey, The Bips, The Hinnom, Bragolin and Fertile Reality have graced onderSTROOM with killer performances.
onderSTROOM is powered by Resurrection Oldschool Goff Promotions. We try to contribute to the scene by promoting bands, booking concerts and generally spreading the word. Release parties, free give-aways, features on our websites and airplay on our parties are the means we throw in to achieve the end of keeping the oldschool genres alive. Like the bands we support we’re not in it for the money. Dedication and love for the music is what fuels us and DIY is the phrase we hail.