Rebel to Party, Party to rebel: ‘If i can’t dance to it, it’s not my revolution’

Rebel to Party, Party to rebel: ‘If i can’t dance to it, it’s not my revolution’

Date(s) - za 18 mei - zo 19 mei
20:00 - 02:00

De Onderbroek


On Saturday May 18 you can party together with rebels from many different movements and collectives 🔥

PROGRAM, from 20h to 02h:

There will be two activist acts playing this night, around 21:00 with @yourlocalpirates kicking off on guitar to support their rebellious singing.

@woodygrooves follows up around 22:00 with energetic synth pop, spitting some critical truths for you to go crazy on.

Next our local DJ Soil & seeds will surprise around 23:00 and excite you with his global beats,

and lastly we’ll hear some real good electro music from @vilo.sov at 00:30, captivating you with themes of indie dance and downtempo.


Get ready to dance! At the door you can donate for the artists.