Reading group – The Noonday Demon, Chs. 1 + 2

Reading group – The Noonday Demon, Chs. 1 + 2

Date(s) - za 9 februari
14:00 - 16:00

De Klinker


Last time we increased the size of our group with some new members and decided on the next book we”ll be reading: The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression by Andrew Solomon. The Noonday Demon is a personal account of living through depression, but the author also covers cultural and scientific aspects of the subject, so we figure it also gives us the possibility to discuss the social, political and economic aspects of psychiatric diseases.

For the next get-together, we’ll be reading the first two chapters of the book. Two members will prepare and present a chapter each to make it easier to discuss themes and topics that were presented throughout.

Feel free to join us! Whether you’ve read the book and want to share your opinions with others, or you’ve thought about reading it, or that you’re just curious if this book or reading groups are something for you, come and join us at de Klinker. Oh, and bring friends!